Friday, March 13, 2009

Expanding the Garden

We are going to expand the garden from its present location on Main Street to a lot at 1425 Laura Street. I will use this blog to disperse updates, etc.

Right now, the garden is in the process of obtaining non-profit status. This process should be complete in the coming weeks. Once this is complete, then we can accept donations (supplies and money) and we will be able to put together a list of activities for the expansion process.

If you are interested in joining, or learning more, send me an email

1 comment:

  1. Considering our severe lack of community gardens, this is a noble cause. I'd love to help the cause in any small way that I could. Does the garden need the help of a graphic designer/photographer for documentation and website purposes? Let me know. I'd love to document the blog progress and take pictures for a new blog I've started.
