Friday, November 20, 2009

Arbor is Up!

The arbor is up at the garden! Thank you Doug and Ray for the donation of time and materials for this beautiful project!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday workday

Thank you to everyone who came out and helped on Sunday. The lot looks great - nice and level! This week ONH will purchase the lumber for the beds and we can begin filling the plots over Thanksgiving weekend.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Front Fence

Doug and Ray donated their time yesterday to put up the front fence. The arbor still has to be completed and we need to paint it, but it looks great - thank you both!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Raffle Bag Fundraiser

ONH Development has put together a wonderful goodies bag to raffle off as our next fundraiser. Some of the goodies in the bag are:

Gift card to Three Layers, A Coffee House
Gift card to Harpoon Louie's in Avondale (GREAT burgers)
Growler and gift card to Bold City
Gift card to Kilwin's Chocolates and Ice Cream
12 bars of handmade soap
Gift card to 23eleven, handmade jewelry (great for holiday gifts)

The entry fee is $1 and you can enter as many times as you want. If you are interested in an entry form, shoot me an email and I will email it to you.

Deadline for entry is November 22nd at 6pm.

Fence Building

Hey Everyone! The fundraiser at the Florida-Georgia game was a great success! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped park cars and raise $$$ for the fence.

We will be building the fence on Sunday November 15th. If you are available and want to come out and join us then PLEASE DO! We will be meeting at the garden lot, 1425 Laura at 9am and probably working most of the day. Come on out whenever you are able!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ONH's Committment

Operation New Hope, ONH, the local CDC in Springfield has offered to umbrella the garden under their non-profit and to coordinate the effort.

Now that we have non-profit status, we are in the process of accepting sponsorships from businesses and grant writing. The funds collected will be used for fence building, water, and plot construction.

We are also in the process of accepting memberships. If you would like a membership form or have additional questions, please email me

Friday, March 13, 2009

Expanding the Garden

We are going to expand the garden from its present location on Main Street to a lot at 1425 Laura Street. I will use this blog to disperse updates, etc.

Right now, the garden is in the process of obtaining non-profit status. This process should be complete in the coming weeks. Once this is complete, then we can accept donations (supplies and money) and we will be able to put together a list of activities for the expansion process.

If you are interested in joining, or learning more, send me an email